home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <errno.h>
- #include <time.h>
- #include <math.h>
- #include "Env.h"
- #include <malloc.h>
- #include <gl/glaux.h>
- static char *GetShortVendorName(char *input);
- static int GetHostMemorySize(void);
- static char *GetHostVendor(void);
- static char *GetHostModel(void);
- static char *GetHostCPU(void);
- static char *GetHostOperatingSystem(void);
- static char *GetHostOperatingSystemRelease(void);
- static char *GetHostName(void);
- static char *GetOpenGLClientVendor(void);
- static char *GetOpenGLClientVersion(void);
- static char *GetOpenGLClientExtensions(void);
- static char *GetHostCPUCount(void);
- static char *GetHostPrimaryCacheSize(void);
- static char *GetHostSecondaryCacheSize(void);
- static char *GetWindowSystem(void);
- static char *GetDriverVersion(void);
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * StringSearch - search for pattern in string
- *
- * Description:
- * StringSearch returns a pointer to the first occurance of pattern found in
- * the subject or NULL if the pattern is not found. It implements the
- * Knuth-Morris-Pratt pattern matching algorithm. If m is the length of the
- * pattern and n is the length of the subject, the complexity of the KMP
- * algorithm is (m+n), much better than the (m*n) complexity of the naive
- * nested loop algorithm. - John Dennis
- *
- * Returns:
- * pointer to the first occurance of pattern found the subject or NULL
- *
- * Side Effects:
- * None
- *
- * Errors:
- * None
- *
- * Revision History:
- * Revision 0: Author: John R. Dennis Date: Thu Aug 4 15:49:59 1994
- * Initial Release
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
- char *
- StringSearch(char *subject, char *pattern)
- {
- #define MAX_FLINK (256)
- int *flink, *dynamicFlink = NULL, staticFlink[MAX_FLINK];
- int patternLen = strlen(pattern);
- int subjectLen = strlen(subject);
- int found = 0;
- int i,j;
- if (patternLen > MAX_FLINK) { /* -1 for NULL terminator */
- dynamicFlink = malloc(patternLen * sizeof(int));
- if (dynamicFlink == NULL) {
- fprintf(stderr, "malloc failure, line %d, file: %s, exiting...\n",
- __LINE__, __FILE__);
- exit(1);
- }
- flink = dynamicFlink;
- }
- else {
- flink = staticFlink;
- }
- /* Step 1: Constuct Flowchart */
- flink[0] = -1; /* -1 == read next char */
- for(i = 1; i < patternLen; i++) {
- j = flink[i-1];
- while((j >= 0) && (pattern[j] != pattern[i-1])) {
- j = flink[j];
- }
- flink[i] = j+1;
- }
- /* Step 2: Scan Algorithm */
- for (i = j = 0; i < subjectLen; i++, j++) {
- while((j >= 0) && (pattern[j] != subject[i])) {
- j = flink[j];
- }
- if (j == patternLen-1) {
- found = 1;
- goto exit;
- }
- }
- exit:
- if (dynamicFlink != NULL) free(dynamicFlink);
- if (!found)
- return(NULL);
- else
- return(&subject[i-patternLen+1]);
- #undef MAX_FLINK
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * GetShortVendorName - return short vendor string
- *
- * Description:
- * some vendor strings are verbose. This function will return a shortest
- * vendor name it can given an arbitrary vendor string. The returned string
- * is allocated with malloc, it should be freed when no longer in use. The
- * input string is not freed or modified by this function.
- *
- * Returns:
- * pointer to allocated string
- *
- * Side Effects:
- * string allocation, string should be freed when no longer needed.
- *
- * Errors:
- * no errors, if function fails the string "unknown" is returned
- *
- * Revision History:
- * Revision 0: Author: John R. Dennis Date: Mon Aug 8 16:30:53 1994
- * Initial Release
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
- static char *
- GetShortVendorName(char *input)
- {
- int i;
- char *s1 = NULL; /* s1 is temp work string */
- char *s2 = NULL; /* s2 is string to return */
- /* duplicate input string so that we can modify it */
- s1 = strdup(input);
- /* upcase string */
- for (i = 0; s1[i]; i++)
- if (islower(s1[i])) s1[i] = toupper(s1[i]);
- /* return a short name if possible, some vendor names are verbose */
- if (StringSearch(s1, "DEC") ||
- StringSearch(s1, "DECWINDOWS") ||
- StringSearch(s1, "Digital Equipment Corporation") ||
- StringSearch(s1, "DigitalEquipmentCorporation"))
- s2 = strdup("DEC");
- else if (StringSearch(s1, "SGI") ||
- StringSearch(s1, "SILCON GRAPHICS"))
- s2 = strdup("SGI");
- else if (StringSearch(s1, "IBM") ||
- s2 = strdup("IBM");
- else
- s2 = strdup(s1);
- free(s1);
- return(s2);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * GetHostMemorySize - Return kilobytes of memory installed on host platform
- *
- * Description:
- * Returns the number of kilobytes of memory installed on host platform
- *
- * Returns:
- * kilobytes of host platform memory
- *
- * Side Effects:
- * None
- *
- * Errors:
- * return 0 if unable to determine memory configuration
- *
- * Revision History:
- * Revision 0: Author: John R. Dennis Date: Thu Aug 4 15:55:19 1994
- * Initial Release
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
- static int
- GetHostMemorySize(void)
- {
- /* AvailMem */
- return (24 * 1024 * 1024) / 1024;
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * GetHostVendor - return string naming the system vendor
- *
- * Description:
- * return the name of the system vendor as a string. This is to identify
- * manufacturer of the system. The string is allocated with malloc, it should
- * be freed when no longer in use.
- *
- * Returns:
- * pointer to allocated string
- *
- * Side Effects:
- * string allocation, string should be freed when no longer needed.
- *
- * Errors:
- * no errors, if function fails the string "unknown" is returned
- *
- * Revision History:
- * Revision 0: Author: John R. Dennis Date: Mon Aug 8 16:30:53 1994
- * Initial Release
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
- static char *
- GetHostVendor(void)
- {
- /* See if it's a DEC system */
- char *hostModel;
- hostModel = GetHostModel();
- if ( strstr(hostModel,"DEC") == hostModel)
- {
- free(hostModel);
- return(strdup("DEC"));
- }
- else
- {
- free(hostModel);
- return(strdup("unknown"));
- }
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * GetHostModel - return string naming the host model
- *
- * Description:
- * return string identifying the host platform's model designation. The string
- * is allocated with malloc, it should be freed when no longer in use.
- *
- * Returns:
- * pointer to allocated string
- *
- * Side Effects:
- * string allocation, string should be freed when no longer needed.
- *
- * Errors:
- * no errors, if function fails the string "unknown" is returned
- *
- * Revision History:
- * Revision 0: Author: John R. Dennis Date: Mon Aug 8 16:30:53 1994
- * Initial Release
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
- static char *
- GetHostModel(void)
- {
- return strdup("AmigaOS");
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * GetHostCPU - return string naming the host CPU
- *
- * Description:
- * return string identifying the host platform's CPU. The string
- * is allocated with malloc, it should be freed when no longer in use.
- *
- * Returns:
- * pointer to allocated string
- *
- * Side Effects:
- * string allocation, string should be freed when no longer needed.
- *
- * Errors:
- * no errors, if function fails the string "unknown" is returned
- *
- * Revision History:
- * Revision 0: Author: John R. Dennis Date: Mon Aug 8 16:30:53 1994
- * Initial Release
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
- static char *
- GetHostCPU(void)
- {
- return strdup("Motorola MC68030 (30MHz), MC68882 (30MHz)");
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * GetHostCPUCount - return string indicating number of host CPU's
- *
- * Description:
- * return string indicating number of host CPU's. The string "unknown" is
- * returned if the count is not determinable. The string is allocated with
- * malloc, it should be freed when no longer in use.
- *
- * Returns:
- * pointer to allocated string
- *
- * Side Effects:
- * string allocation, string should be freed when no longer needed.
- *
- * Errors:
- * no errors, if function fails the string "unknown" is returned
- *
- * Revision History:
- * Revision 0: Author: John R. Dennis Date: Mon Feb 27 14:18:41 EST 1995
- * Initial Release
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
- static char *
- GetHostCPUCount(void)
- {
- return(strdup("unknown"));
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * GetHostPrimaryCacheSize - return string indicating host's primary cache (KB)
- *
- * Description:
- * return string indicating the number of kilobytes of primary cache on the
- * host's CPU, or "unknown" if not determinable. The string
- * is allocated with malloc, it should be freed when no longer in use.
- *
- * Returns:
- * pointer to allocated string
- *
- * Side Effects:
- * string allocation, string should be freed when no longer needed.
- *
- * Errors:
- * no errors, if function fails the string "unknown" is returned
- *
- * Revision History:
- * Revision 0: Author: John R. Dennis Date: Mon Feb 27 14:18:41 EST 1995
- * Initial Release
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
- static char *
- GetHostPrimaryCacheSize(void)
- {
- return(strdup("0 KB"));
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * GetHostSecondaryCacheSize - return string indicating host's secondary cache (KB)
- *
- * Description:
- * return string indicating the number of kilobytes of secondary cache on the
- * host's CPU, or "unknown" if not determinable. The string
- * is allocated with malloc, it should be freed when no longer in use.
- *
- * Returns:
- * pointer to allocated string
- *
- * Side Effects:
- * string allocation, string should be freed when no longer needed.
- *
- * Errors:
- * no errors, if function fails the string "unknown" is returned
- *
- * Revision History:
- * Revision 0: Author: John R. Dennis Date: Mon Feb 27 14:18:41 EST 1995
- * Initial Release
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
- static char *
- GetHostSecondaryCacheSize(void)
- {
- return(strdup("0 KB"));
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * GetWindowSystem - return string naming the windowing system
- *
- * Description:
- * return string identifying the windowing system in use on the target
- * device. The string is allocated with malloc, it should be freed when no
- * longer in use.
- *
- * Returns:
- * pointer to allocated string
- *
- * Side Effects:
- * string allocation, string should be freed when no longer needed.
- *
- * Errors:
- * no errors, if function fails the string "unknown" is returned
- *
- * Revision History:
- * Revision 0: Author: John R. Dennis Date: Mon Aug 8 16:30:53 1994
- * Initial Release
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
- static char *
- GetWindowSystem(void)
- {
- return(strdup("MesaGL"));
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * GetDriverVersion - return string identifying the graphics driver
- *
- * Description:
- * Return string identifying the graphics driver version. If there is no
- * graphics driver than the string "NA" is returned. If a graphics driver
- * exists, but the function cannot identify it then the string "unknown" is
- * returned. The string is allocated with malloc, it should be freed when no
- * longer in use.
- *
- * Returns:
- * pointer to allocated string
- *
- * Side Effects:
- * string allocation, string should be freed when no longer needed.
- *
- * Errors:
- * no errors, if function fails the string "unknown" is returned
- *
- * Revision History:
- * Revision 0: Author: John R. Dennis Date: Mon Feb 27 15:00:18 EST 1995
- * Initial Release
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
- static char *
- GetDriverVersion(void)
- {
- return(strdup("3.0"));
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * GetHostOperatingSystem - return string naming the host CPU operating system
- *
- * Description:
- * return the type of the host operating system as a string. This is to
- * identify what type of operating system this program is running under. The
- * string is allocated with malloc, it should be freed when no longer in use.
- *
- * Returns:
- * pointer to allocated string
- *
- * Side Effects:
- * string allocation, string should be freed when no longer needed.
- *
- * Errors:
- * no errors, if function fails the string "unknown" is returned
- *
- * Revision History:
- * Revision 0: Author: John R. Dennis Date: Mon Aug 8 16:30:53 1994
- * Initial Release
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
- static char *
- GetHostOperatingSystem(void)
- {
- return(strdup("AmigaOS 3.1"));
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * GetHostOperatingSystemRelease - return string naming operating system release
- *
- * Description:
- * return the release/version of the host operating system as a string. This
- * is to identify what version of the operating system this program is
- * running under. The string is allocated with malloc, it should be freed
- * when no longer in use.
- *
- * Returns:
- * pointer to allocated string
- *
- * Side Effects:
- * string allocation, string should be freed when no longer needed.
- *
- * Errors:
- * no errors, if function fails the string "unknown" is returned
- *
- * Revision History:
- * Revision 0: Author: John R. Dennis Date: Mon Aug 8 16:30:53 1994
- * Initial Release
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
- static char *
- GetHostOperatingSystemRelease(void)
- {
- return(strdup("40.72"));
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * GetHostName - return string naming the host
- *
- * Description:
- * return the name of this host as a string. This is to identify which
- * platform this program is running on. The string is allocated with malloc,
- * it should be freed when no longer in use.
- *
- * Returns:
- * pointer to allocated string
- *
- * Side Effects:
- * string allocation, string should be freed when no longer needed.
- *
- * Errors:
- * no errors, if function fails the string "unknown" is returned
- *
- * Revision History:
- * Revision 0: Author: John R. Dennis Date: Mon Aug 8 16:30:53 1994
- * Initial Release
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
- static char *
- GetHostName(void)
- {
- return(strdup("RamsesIII"));
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * GetDateTime - get the current month, day, year, hour, minute
- *
- * Description:
- * Get the current day, month, year, hour, minute. Each is a pointer to an
- * integer. If the pointer is NULL then no value is returned for that
- * parameter, otherwise an assignment is made to the integer pointed to by
- * the parameter.
- *
- * month: in the range [1-12] 1=January, 12=December
- * day: in the range [1-31]
- * year: as a 4 digit number, e.g. 1994
- * hour: in the range [0-23]
- * min: in the range [0-59]
- *
- * Returns:
- * 0 for success, error code otherwise
- *
- * Side Effects:
- * None
- *
- * Errors:
- * return non-zero on failure
- *
- * Revision History:
- * Revision 0: Author: John R. Dennis Date: Wed Aug 17 13:08:36 1994
- * Initial Release
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
- int
- GetDateTime(int *month, int *day, int *year, int *hour, int *minute)
- {
- time_t timeT;
- struct tm *timeTm;
- time(&timeT);
- timeTm = localtime(&timeT);
- if (timeTm == NULL) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Error calling localtime: %d\n", errno);
- return(errno);
- }
- if (month) *month = timeTm->tm_mon + 1;
- if (day) *day = timeTm->tm_mday;
- if (year) *year = timeTm->tm_year + 1900;
- if (hour) *hour = timeTm->tm_hour;
- if (minute) *minute = timeTm->tm_min;
- return(0);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * GetOpenGLClientVendor - return string naming the client library vendor
- *
- * Description:
- * return the name of the vendor supplying the OpenGL client library. The
- * string is allocated with malloc,it should be freed when no longer in use.
- *
- * Returns:
- * pointer to allocated string
- *
- * Side Effects:
- * string allocation, string should be freed when no longer needed.
- *
- * Errors:
- * no errors, if function fails the string "unknown" is returned
- *
- * Revision History:
- * Revision 0: Author: John R. Dennis Date: Mon Aug 8 16:30:53 1994
- * Initial Release
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
- static char *
- GetOpenGLClientVendor(void)
- {
- char *pstr;
- if (pstr = (char *)glGetString(GL_VENDOR))
- return(GetShortVendorName(pstr));
- else
- return(strdup("unknown"));
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * GetOpenGLClientVersion - return string naming the client library version
- *
- * Description:
- * return the version of the OpenGL client library. The string is allocated
- * with malloc,it should be freed when no longer in use.
- *
- * Returns:
- * pointer to allocated string
- *
- * Side Effects:
- * string allocation, string should be freed when no longer needed.
- *
- * Errors:
- * no errors, if function fails the string "unknown" is returned
- *
- * Revision History:
- * Revision 0: Author: John R. Dennis Date: Mon Aug 8 16:30:53 1994
- * Initial Release
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
- static char *
- GetOpenGLClientVersion(void)
- {
- char *pstr;
- if (pstr = (char *)glGetString(GL_VERSION))
- return(strdup(pstr));
- else
- return(strdup("unknown"));
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * GetOpenGLClientExtensions - return string naming the client extensions
- *
- * Description:
- * return the extensions supported in the OpenGL client library. The string
- * is allocated with malloc,it should be freed when no longer in use.
- *
- * Returns:
- * pointer to allocated string
- *
- * Side Effects:
- * string allocation, string should be freed when no longer needed.
- *
- * Errors:
- * no errors, if function fails the string "unknown" is returned
- *
- * Revision History:
- * Revision 0: Author: John R. Dennis Date: Mon Aug 8 16:30:53 1994
- * Initial Release
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
- static char *
- GetOpenGLClientExtensions(void)
- {
- char *pstr;
- if (pstr = (char *)glGetString(GL_EXTENSIONS))
- return(strdup(pstr));
- else
- return(strdup("unknown"));
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * GetEnvironment - return info about environment test was run in
- *
- * Description:
- * This function fills in an environment info record with every pertinent
- * piece of information about the condiditons under which the test was run.
- *
- * Returns:
- * 0 success, error code otherwise
- *
- * Side Effects:
- * None
- *
- * Errors:
- * errors generally only with bad configurations, too many to list
- *
- * Revision History:
- * Revision 0: Author: John R. Dennis Date: Thu Aug 18 16:52:35 1994
- * Initial Release
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
- #include <intuition/intuition.h>
- #include <intuition/screens.h>
- #include <gl/amigamesa.h>
- void
- GetAOSEnvironment(EnvironmentInfo *info) {
- struct amigamesa_context *amesa;
- if(!(amesa = auxAOSContext()))
- return;
- info->windowWidth = amesa->window->GZZWidth;
- info->windowHeight = amesa->window->GZZHeight;
- info->screenWidth = amesa->Screen->Width;
- info->screenHeight = amesa->Screen->Height;
- info->bufConfig.doubleBuffer = amesa->visual->db_flag;
- info->bufConfig.stereo = -1;
- if(!(info->bufConfig.rgba = amesa->visual->rgb_flag)) {
- info->bufConfig.indexSize = amesa->visual->depth;
- info->bufConfig.redSize = -1;
- info->bufConfig.greenSize = -1;
- info->bufConfig.blueSize = -1;
- info->bufConfig.alphaSize = -1;
- info->bufConfig.accumRedSize = -1;
- info->bufConfig.accumGreenSize = -1;
- info->bufConfig.accumBlueSize = -1;
- info->bufConfig.accumAlphaSize = -1;
- }
- else {
- info->bufConfig.indexSize = -1;
- info->bufConfig.redSize = amesa->visual->gl_visual->RedBits;
- info->bufConfig.greenSize = amesa->visual->gl_visual->GreenBits;
- info->bufConfig.blueSize = amesa->visual->gl_visual->BlueBits;
- info->bufConfig.alphaSize = amesa->visual->gl_visual->AlphaBits;
- info->bufConfig.accumRedSize = amesa->visual->gl_visual->AccumBits;
- info->bufConfig.accumGreenSize = amesa->visual->gl_visual->AccumBits;
- info->bufConfig.accumBlueSize = amesa->visual->gl_visual->AccumBits;
- info->bufConfig.accumAlphaSize = amesa->visual->gl_visual->AccumBits;
- }
- info->bufConfig.depthSize = amesa->visual->gl_visual->DepthBits;
- info->bufConfig.stencilSize = amesa->visual->gl_visual->StencilBits;
- info->bufConfig.auxBuffers = 0;
- }
- int
- GetEnvironment(EnvironmentInfo *info)
- {
- GLenum windType;
- FreeEnvironmentData(info);
- GetDateTime(&info->month, &info->day, &info->year, NULL, NULL);
- info->host = GetHostName();
- info->hostOperatingSystem = GetHostOperatingSystem();
- info->hostOperatingSystemVersion = GetHostOperatingSystemRelease();
- info->hostVendor = GetHostVendor();
- info->hostModel = GetHostModel();
- info->hostCPU = GetHostCPU();
- info->hostCPUCount = GetHostCPUCount();
- info->hostPrimaryCacheSize = GetHostPrimaryCacheSize();
- info->hostSecondaryCacheSize = GetHostSecondaryCacheSize();
- info->windowSystem = GetWindowSystem();
- info->driverVersion = GetDriverVersion();
- info->hostMemorySize = GetHostMemorySize() / 1024; /* kilobytes to MB */
- info->glVendor = GetShortVendorName((char *)glGetString(GL_VENDOR));
- info->glVersion = strdup((char *)glGetString(GL_VERSION));
- info->glRenderer = strdup((char *)glGetString(GL_RENDERER));
- info->glExtensions = strdup((char *)glGetString(GL_EXTENSIONS));
- info->glClientVendor = GetOpenGLClientVendor();
- info->glClientVersion = GetOpenGLClientVersion();
- info->glClientExtensions = GetOpenGLClientExtensions();
- #ifdef GLU_VERSION_1_1
- info->gluVersion = strdup((char *)gluGetString(GLU_VERSION));;
- info->gluExtensions = strdup((char *)gluGetString(GLU_EXTENSIONS));;
- #else
- info->gluVersion = strdup("unknown");
- info->gluExtensions = strdup("unknown");
- #endif
- GetAOSEnvironment(info);
- #if defined(WIN32)
- /*
- * There is no direct rendering at this time.
- */
- info->directRender = FALSE;
- #else
- /*
- * Direct rendering is a "request", not a guarantee. We need to check the
- * direct render bit for each test because the GL context is only set up
- * in the above conditional block. If we didn't check it for each test
- * then the value for direct rendering store in the test descriptor would
- * be the "request" value, not the actual value.
- */
- windType = auxGetDisplayMode();
- if (windType & AUX_DIRECT)
- info->directRender = TRUE;
- else
- info->directRender = FALSE;
- #endif
- return (0);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * FreeEnvironmentData - frees all dynamic data in EnvironmentInfo struct
- *
- * Description:
- * Free all the dynamically allocated data in an EnvironmentInfo struct. Each
- * pointer in the struct is assigned the value of NULL after its data has
- * been freed. The struct itself is not freed.
- *
- * Returns:
- * void
- *
- * Side Effects:
- * free dynamically allocated memory
- *
- * Errors:
- * None
- *
- * Revision History:
- * Revision 0: Author: John R. Dennis Date: Tue Sep 13 17:31:19 1994
- * Initial Release
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
- void
- FreeEnvironmentData(EnvironmentInfo *info)
- {
- if (info->host != NULL) free(info->host);
- if (info->hostOperatingSystem != NULL) free(info->hostOperatingSystem);
- if (info->hostOperatingSystemVersion != NULL) free(info->hostOperatingSystemVersion);
- if (info->hostVendor != NULL) free(info->hostVendor);
- if (info->hostModel != NULL) free(info->hostModel);
- if (info->hostCPU != NULL) free(info->hostCPU);
- if (info->hostCPUCount != NULL) free(info->hostCPUCount);
- if (info->hostPrimaryCacheSize != NULL) free(info->hostPrimaryCacheSize);
- if (info->hostSecondaryCacheSize != NULL) free(info->hostSecondaryCacheSize);
- if (info->windowSystem != NULL) free(info->windowSystem);
- if (info->driverVersion != NULL) free(info->driverVersion);
- if (info->glVendor != NULL) free(info->glVendor);
- if (info->glVersion != NULL) free(info->glVersion);
- if (info->glRenderer != NULL) free(info->glRenderer);
- if (info->glExtensions != NULL) free(info->glExtensions);
- if (info->glClientVendor != NULL) free(info->glClientVendor);
- if (info->glClientVersion != NULL) free(info->glClientVersion);
- if (info->glClientExtensions != NULL) free(info->glClientExtensions);
- if (info->gluVersion != NULL) free(info->gluVersion);
- if (info->gluExtensions != NULL) free(info->gluExtensions);
- NullEnvironmentData(info);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * NullEnvironmentData - sets all dynamic data ptrs in EnvironmentInfo to NULL
- *
- * Description:
- * Sets all the pointers to dynamically allocated data in an EnvironmentInfo
- * struct to NULL. The data pointed to by the pointers are not freed, use the
- * function FreeEnvironmentData for that purpose.
- *
- * Returns:
- * void
- *
- * Side Effects:
- * None
- *
- * Errors:
- * None
- *
- * Revision History:
- * Revision 0: Author: John R. Dennis Date: Tue Sep 13 17:31:19 1994
- * Initial Release
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
- void
- NullEnvironmentData(EnvironmentInfo *info)
- {
- info->host = NULL;
- info->hostOperatingSystem = NULL;
- info->hostOperatingSystemVersion = NULL;
- info->hostVendor = NULL;
- info->hostModel = NULL;
- info->hostCPU = NULL;
- info->hostCPUCount = NULL;
- info->hostPrimaryCacheSize = NULL;
- info->hostSecondaryCacheSize = NULL;
- info->windowSystem = NULL;
- info->driverVersion = NULL;
- info->glVendor = NULL;
- info->glVersion = NULL;
- info->glRenderer = NULL;
- info->glExtensions = NULL;
- info->glClientVendor = NULL;
- info->glClientVersion = NULL;
- info->glClientExtensions = NULL;
- info->gluVersion = NULL;
- info->gluExtensions = NULL;
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * PrintEnvironment - print contents of EnvironmentInfo struct
- *
- * Description:
- * Print the contents of EnvironmentInfo struct. The stream parameter Points
- * to a FILE structure specifying an open stream to which output will be
- * written. The title parameter is a pointer to a string which will be output
- * before any of the EnvironmentInfo data is output, The title string may be
- * NULL in which case no title string will be written. The leader parameter
- * is a pointer to a string which will be output before each field in the
- * EnvironmentInfo struct. The nameWidth parameter is an integer parameter
- * specifying how pad the name of each field. This can be used to cause the
- * values to line up in a column. A positive value left justifies, a negative
- * value right justifies. The suffix parameter is a pointer to a string which
- * will be output after all of the EnvironmentInfo data is output, The suffix
- * string may be NULL in which case no suffix string will be written.
- *
- * Returns:
- * void
- *
- * Side Effects:
- * file stream output
- *
- * Errors:
- * None
- *
- * Revision History:
- * Revision 0: Author: John R. Dennis Date: Wed Sep 14 09:02:57 1994
- * Initial Release
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
- void
- PrintEnvironment(FILE *stream, EnvironmentInfo *info, char *title,
- char *leader, int nameWidth, char *suffix)
- {
- if (title) fprintf(stream, "%s", title);
- fprintf(stream, "%s%*s%d\n", leader, nameWidth,
- "Month", info->month);
- fprintf(stream, "%s%*s%d\n", leader, nameWidth,
- "Day", info->day);
- fprintf(stream, "%s%*s%d\n", leader, nameWidth,
- "Year", info->year);
- fprintf(stream, "%s%*s%s\n", leader, nameWidth,
- "Host", info->host);
- fprintf(stream, "%s%*s%s\n", leader, nameWidth,
- "Operating System", info->hostOperatingSystem);
- fprintf(stream, "%s%*s%s\n", leader, nameWidth,
- "Operating System Version", info->hostOperatingSystemVersion);
- fprintf(stream, "%s%*s%s\n", leader, nameWidth,
- "Host Vendor", info->hostVendor);
- fprintf(stream, "%s%*s%s\n", leader, nameWidth,
- "Host Model", info->hostModel);
- fprintf(stream, "%s%*s%s\n", leader, nameWidth,
- "Host CPU", info->hostCPU);
- fprintf(stream, "%s%*s%s\n", leader, nameWidth,
- "Host CPU Count", info->hostCPUCount);
- fprintf(stream, "%s%*s%d\n", leader, nameWidth,
- "Host Memory Size (MB)", info->hostMemorySize);
- fprintf(stream, "%s%*s%s\n", leader, nameWidth,
- "Host Primary Cache Size (KB)", info->hostPrimaryCacheSize);
- fprintf(stream, "%s%*s%s\n", leader, nameWidth,
- "Host Secondary Cache Size (KB)", info->hostSecondaryCacheSize);
- fprintf(stream, "%s%*s%s\n", leader, nameWidth,
- "Window System", info->windowSystem);
- fprintf(stream, "%s%*s%s\n", leader, nameWidth,
- "Driver Version", info->driverVersion);
- fprintf(stream, "%s%*s%s\n", leader, nameWidth,
- "OpenGL Vendor", info->glVendor);
- fprintf(stream, "%s%*s%s\n", leader, nameWidth,
- "OpenGL Version", info->glVersion);
- fprintf(stream, "%s%*s%s\n", leader, nameWidth,
- "OpenGL Extensions", info->glExtensions);
- fprintf(stream, "%s%*s%s\n", leader, nameWidth,
- "OpenGL Renderer", info->glRenderer);
- fprintf(stream, "%s%*s%s\n", leader, nameWidth,
- "OpenGL Client Vendor", info->glClientVendor);
- fprintf(stream, "%s%*s%s\n", leader, nameWidth,
- "OpenGL Client Version", info->glClientVersion);
- fprintf(stream, "%s%*s%s\n", leader, nameWidth,
- "OpenGL Client Extensions", info->glClientExtensions);
- fprintf(stream, "%s%*s%s\n", leader, nameWidth,
- "GLU Version", info->gluVersion);
- fprintf(stream, "%s%*s%s\n", leader, nameWidth,
- "GLU Extensions", info->gluExtensions);
- fprintf(stream, "%s%*s%s\n", leader, nameWidth,
- "Direct Rendering", info->directRender ? "True" : "False");
- fprintf(stream, "%s%*s%s\n", leader, nameWidth,
- "Double Buffer", info->bufConfig.doubleBuffer ? "True" : "False");
- fprintf(stream, "%s%*s%s\n", leader, nameWidth,
- "Stereo", info->bufConfig.stereo ? "True" : "False");
- fprintf(stream, "%s%*s%s\n", leader, nameWidth,
- "RGBA", info->bufConfig.rgba ? "True" : "False");
- fprintf(stream, "%s%*s%d\n", leader, nameWidth,
- "Color Index Size", info->bufConfig.indexSize);
- fprintf(stream, "%s%*s%d\n", leader, nameWidth,
- "Red Size", info->bufConfig.redSize);
- fprintf(stream, "%s%*s%d\n", leader, nameWidth,
- "Green Size", info->bufConfig.greenSize);
- fprintf(stream, "%s%*s%d\n", leader, nameWidth,
- "Blue Size", info->bufConfig.blueSize);
- fprintf(stream, "%s%*s%d\n", leader, nameWidth,
- "Alpha Size", info->bufConfig.alphaSize);
- fprintf(stream, "%s%*s%d\n", leader, nameWidth,
- "Accum Red Size", info->bufConfig.accumRedSize);
- fprintf(stream, "%s%*s%d\n", leader, nameWidth,
- "Accum Green Size", info->bufConfig.accumGreenSize);
- fprintf(stream, "%s%*s%d\n", leader, nameWidth,
- "Accum Blue Size", info->bufConfig.accumBlueSize);
- fprintf(stream, "%s%*s%d\n", leader, nameWidth,
- "Accum Alpha Size", info->bufConfig.accumAlphaSize);
- fprintf(stream, "%s%*s%d\n", leader, nameWidth,
- "Depth Size", info->bufConfig.depthSize);
- fprintf(stream, "%s%*s%d\n", leader, nameWidth,
- "Stencil Size", info->bufConfig.stencilSize);
- fprintf(stream, "%s%*s%d\n", leader, nameWidth,
- "Auxiliary Buffer Count", info->bufConfig.auxBuffers);
- fprintf(stream, "%s%*s%d\n", leader, nameWidth,
- "Frame BufferLevel", info->bufConfig.level);
- fprintf(stream, "%s%*s%d\n", leader, nameWidth,
- "Window Width (pixels)", info->windowWidth);
- fprintf(stream, "%s%*s%d\n", leader, nameWidth,
- "Window Height (pixels)", info->windowHeight);
- fprintf(stream, "%s%*s%d\n", leader, nameWidth,
- "Screen Width (pixels)", info->screenWidth);
- fprintf(stream, "%s%*s%d\n", leader, nameWidth,
- "Screen Height (pixels)", info->screenHeight);
- if (suffix) fprintf(stream, "%s", suffix);
- }